Dulu Khairy, sekarang Rosmah menjadi kepala “Tingkat 4″ pejabat Perdana Menteri.
Pegawai kanan Kementerian Kewangan dikatakan semakin gusar dengan campurtangan Rosmah Mansor, isteri Perdana Menteri, dalam urusan Perbendaharaan Negara,termasuk penyediaan Belanjawan 2010 dan pemberian kontrak dan tender kerajaan.
sumber-sumber kerajaan berkata campurtangan itu sudah di “tahap kritikal’ dengan Rosmah mempertikaikan keputusan tertentu Timbalan Perdana Menteri Muhyyiddin Yassin dan Ketua Setiausaha Negara Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan.
Campurtangan Rosmah itu tidak menerima sebarang teguran daripada Najib walaupun beliau adalah juga Menteri Kewangan.
Sumber-sumber memberitahu Suara Keadilan, Rosmah menaruh minat yang amat mendalam terhadap penyediaan Bajet 2010 yang akan dibentangkan oleh Perdana Menteri di Parlimen pada sesi Persidangan Dewan Rakyat 23 Oktober depan.
READMORE CLICK HERE Is sealed with a kiss from Rosmah MASTER SPINNER Leslie Lau’S asshole bocor man whoose asshole is sealed BARRISAN USE ONLY
read this exclusive article by the taxi driver
This minister Hishammuddin is talking through his ass,YOU ARE ITCHING FOR your ass hole to enlarge try lorong haji taib lima
The Star) PETALING JAYA: Those who use the cyberspace to incite hatred or insult any race or religion or the monarchy, will soon find it increasingly difficult to hide behind the ‘mouse’.
Hishammuddin was a write-off from the start. All he ever does is kiss kerises andparrot the official Umno line. Can’t wait to see this idiot vanish like P.I. Bala!
Hishammuddin was a write-off from the start. All he ever does is kiss kerises and
Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein said: “If we allow it to go unchecked, the attack on these pillars may jeopardise the safety of all Malaysians. It will then be too late if we act after a clash.
Congratulations Mahathir for creating a shitbrain Home Minister,
READMORE CLICK HERE beautifully beastifull rosamah the director of sodomy2,so the begining of the persecution of the malaysian opposition leader
Posted on April 15, 2009 by pemudasarawak
Pada 7 April yang lepas ketika ramai sedang memberikan tumpuan ke Bukit Selambau, Batang Ai dan Bukit Gantang, Isteri Perdana Menteri Malaysia (baca : de factor PM) telah turun ke Rembau untuk melawata Pusat Anak Permata Negara di Chembong, Rembau.
Sempena itu iklan satu muka Utusan Malaysia telah dibeli oleh Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan untuk ‘memuja’ Rosmah yang sudi turun ‘mencemar duli’ ke Rembau.
Menurut sumber dari Utusan Malaysia harga iklan untuk memuja Rosmah itu sahaja sudah berharga RM 45786.00
Kenapa Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan kerana membazirkan sebegitu besar jumlah wang rakyat hanya untuk memuja dan mengambil hati isteri seorang PM. Itu baru iklan di Utusan sahaja bagaimana dengan iklan di akhbar lain ?
Kenapa Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan kerana membazirkan sebegitu besar jumlah wang rakyat hanya untuk memuja dan mengambil hati isteri seorang PM. Itu baru iklan di Utusan sahaja bagaimana dengan iklan di akhbar lain ?
Itu tidak termasuk berapa perbelanjaan banner sambutan, bendera (termasuk kos pemasangan) dan lain persiapan yang dibazirkan.
Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan di bawah menteri besar yang sama pernah dilaporkan dalam laporan audit negara bahawa pernah melakukan penyelewengan dengan menggunakan wang untuk rakyat miskin dan peruntukan lain untuk mengubah suai dapur rumahnya dan membuat banner ucapan dan sambutan.
setelah carian dibuat ahli parlimen Rasah juga telah membuat posting lebih awal mengenai perkara ini dalam blognya.
Its typical isn’t it – Kill the Messenger! Reports about the shenanigans of any amnoputra, INVESTIGASTE THE REPORTS FIRST, NOT THE REPORTER LAH! INVESTIGATE, INVESTIGATE, INVESTIGATE….oops sorry, tak faham kot……SIASAT, SIASAT, SIASAT LAPORAN LAPORAN DULU, BUKAN SIASAT ORANG YANG BUAT LAPORAN – FAHAM TAK? RELATED ARTICLE RELATED ARTICLESpirituality is me! not you Rosmah, you snatch him from his first wife you terminated me
My God, the whole world is laughing. Can this be true. Only imbeciles can say such things.
RPK MAY BE CHARGED FOR ALLEGED USE OF FOREIGN PASSPORTyou are going to jail buddy READ MORE CLICK HERE Can Najib dismisses Bala’s claims on his sms to SHAFEE ABDULLAH FIXING judge to buttress the evidence.: FIXING BAGINDA’S FREEDOMPrime Minister Najib Abdul Razak finally broke his silence regarding the allegations that his younger brother Mohamed Nazim had coerced private investigator P Balasubramaniam to hush up. However, he dismissed the allegations as baseless. GHOST Altantuya SAYS THE ROPE IS AROUND YOUR NECK SAY YOUR LAST PRAYERS ROSMAH MANSORIts just too damned obvious that PI Bala, WHY WAS BALA KIDNAPPED BY MUSA HASAN’MEN TAKEN TO PRINCE HOTEL IN JALAN CONLAY INSTEAD OF BUKIT AMAN?being an experienced investigator, knew what was going on. With the DPM Najib desperately making 2. PDRM 3. Rule of law replaced by rule of law 4. Principle of separation of powers rendered obselete 5. Some useless politicians who betrayed their voters without betting an eye. Who is shamed by this crisis? Our racist Crime Pime Minister, Najib C4 will run to the nearest mosque again and swear to the Koran that he’s innocent and that’s the end of the French queries about the As for Altantuya’s case, he’s going to say that two policemen have been found guilty and sentenced ………………….. even without any motive for the said crime Najib is going to put Malaysia at risk, and our national security could be compromised anytime. Not to say anything bad about France, but as long as Najib’s hands are not clean, France, and for that matter, any country which has the slightest evidence of his wrongdoing can hold Malaysia at ransom. I am not saying they will, but the may, and that’s the risk. Naib in order to hold on to power, will do whatever he can to please the enemy. If a lay person like me can smell the danger, I wonder if all the cabinet ministers are still slumbering! If Najib does not go, Malaysia will be gone, soon! the fallacy of Defenders of ketuanan Melayu GMPS president Jais Abdul Karim why dont you defend this Three malay students why lick rospussy The shareholders are tired of the company being run by idiots! Simply put, sack or be SACKED! They have lost all credibility. WHAT WAS DATUK SRI IDRIS JALA DOING ALL HEDID WAS TO GIVE HARD TIME TO TONY AIR ASIA PAK LAH AS MAS ADVISOR, AS GRATITUDE FOR NOT TAKING ACTION AGAINST TAJUDDIN AND WHO KHOWS.TAN SRI DR KOH TSU KOON A BORN LOOSER WHO SELL HIS OWN RACE TO STAY IN POWER HIS KPI THESE PROPOSED CHANGES WILL BE “PAINFUL” FOR THE GOVERNMENT BUT MORE A TEST OF POLITICAL WILL TO IMPLEMENT. THE COUNTRY HAS SEEN MANY POLICIES AND INITIATIVES THROUGH THE YEARS, ALL LAUNCHED WITH GREAT FANFARE ONLY TO FLOUNDER LATER FROM A LACK OF WILL.FORGET THE SMELLY INTOXICATED INDIAN SAIDTAN SRI DR KOH TSU KOON A BORN LOOSE |
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