If you ever thought that by voting you got the people you wanted into power, even if that be a majority — clear, or just less than absolute — think again. By choosing and bringing a certain set of people as significant frontrunners, you have fulfilled the first and basic exercise of a democratic system. By definition, you may be the most glorified unit of the system, but your much celebrated power and glory may just end there.
Those selected, now are at the second rung, and have their rights to play the democratic game at their level. It is for them to stretch to form a government in case numbers are wanting, or even forgo, for the future of the government so formed may not be that bright due to internal dissent, or for anticipated gains of forming a government at a later date. This may be one of the reasons why you may not get your set of people to sit in their designated chairs and fulfil the agenda you voted them for.

Najib’s days numbered?
The simple, and slightly bitter, message is that while you do your basic maths, the next rung is qualified for higher maths. Here comes the concept of “surrogate politics”, when a party in a majority, or close to a majority, may find it tactically convenient to push a much smaller one. Time may not be right for a big party to step in at that moment. It has happened in politics before. The strategic but limited support to Naturally the carpet was to be pulled under the feet the day the popularity of the bigger supporting block climbed up a few notches.
Divided and declared surrogacy was allowed in this country, by an ind
Surrogacy in international politics was always a game of the imperial and the super powers. In the great colonization of Asia and Africa, the British, the Dutch, the French and the Spanish first supported the fragmented powers in Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Guyana and Morocco to finally to take over completely.
Post-WWII, the US campaign in Vietnam and Cambodia was to have its own surrogates under the threat of a rampaging North Korea, backed by the Soviets. The outcomes may be questionable, but the tactics were clear. Disarming of Germany and Japan, formation of Nato, were somewhat similar campaigns, probably not so much to contain Germany, but to keep the “Iron Curtain” under lock and key.
Najib’s days numbered?
The rift between Najib and Mahathir has noticeably widened and there are concerns that the latter will soon raise a possible candidate to displace Najib whom Mahathir considers as being frivolous and failing to live up with the ideals of UMNO.
Mahathir laments a lot that there are no able and capable Malay leaders in this country today and concedes that “Najib’s leadership is very weak.”
Mahathir states further that the future looks bleak for Malays in this country as they are being outpaced and displaced in every sphere of Malaysian life by the other races and foreigners that it won’t be long “before Malays are polishing the shoes of the others in this country.”
For this Mahathir places the blame squarely on his replacements Badawi and Najib whom he feels have reneged on their promises to do all that is within their power to safeguard and promote UMNO. Instead UMNO and the Malays in this country are disunited and at loggerheads with each other.
This is what irks Mahathir terribly and he vows to see that his legacy is intact and strengthened and aims to do so by making his move to create a power shake-up in this country after a number of major bungles and fiascos by Najib and his followers.
The stage is set for a showdown and it’s really a matter of time before Malaysians become witness to more drastic political changes in this country, changes everyone must follow to accordingly plan the agenda of their own lives and those of their families and business concerns.If there is discontent among Malaysians that is threatening to fester and disunite the country, it can be boiled down to the fact that Najib has failed to look into the future and see where the country is heading.
Racial polarization is still a common theme that is being played up by his critics, the fact that Najib has failed to secure greater unity within Malaysia’s diverse population. This has caused a concern that the multi-racial fabric of the nation is under threat.
Besides this, there are the long running religious tensions in this country, especially the persecution of Christians by overzealous Islamic authorities sparking renewed fears of Islamophobia among Malaysia’s minority religious groups.
Under Najib’s reign of power, there are increasing fears alarming people in this country that Malaysia will go the way of the Taliban although overtly there is that show of bravado that Malaysia is rooting as a nation of moderates.
Mahathir and his trusted lieutenants had no whiff of the democratic coup scripted and executed with precision by former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad right under their nose. leading to the cleansing Najib and his man Veteran journalist Datuk A. Kadir Jasin today said he was being criticised and lectured over his postings on the state of the country which, he added, have had an impact on the local media. - not alone. Although our media pride themselves on free and bold speech, they maintain a conspiracy of silence on some issues relating to the supposed “national interest.” creative in the first place. Self-expression for such gifted individuals doesn’t begin or end with one medium. Perhaps, his persecutors hadn’t figured out as much. Before the collective gloating over his ‘submission’ goes into overdrive, Over the past few months there have been countless attacks on assorted freedoms across Malaysia Najib will use me as a political weapon against Mahathir during the forthcoming elections Such is the fractious nature of our current polity that even on this rather non-contentious issue, a consensus looks difficult.So the question arises whether:Tengku Adnan Mansor is really needed We are struggling and he says we enjoy great success? How to slap most of the Malaysia in the face? I can't begin to imagine what we would all have if not for this BN government and all the crooks associated with them.This is a most pathetic admission. Looks like making money is the ultimate objective. You make,I make so, your scratch my back,I scratch yours. Corruption....so what??all is acceptable. What a sad state of affairs for KL and Malaysia?The country would have done a whole lot better if not for the stable and steady corruption of this stable and corrupt government. Look at our neighbour in the south. Such a small country and squeaky clean but it is a powerhouse in the world. It is IN SPITE of the so-called stable government that people have worked hard and given you our taxes. “to pay special attention to the section of our society that may be at the risk of not benefiting adequately from economic progress”. This is rather a long winded way of saying that it has to take care of the poor and marginalised.The vehicle for his surrogates’ attack on Najib is 1MDB, the five-year-old state investment fund which as of March had amassed debts of RM49.1 billion (US$14.04 billion) against assets of RM51.4 billion, registering losses of Malaysian ringgit 63.5 billion at the end of the quarter, mainly on huge finance costs.
Mahathir and his allies have been dissatisfied with Najib’s performance for more than two years over a wide range of other issues as well, however. The 1MDB issue, described as “the mother of the mother of the mother of all scandals” by Democratic Action Party MP Tony Pua in an Asia Sentinel article on December 8, has become the vehicle with which the octogenarian hopes to skewer the Prime Minister.It has gained additional momentum because of allegations that Jho Low Taek, a hard-partying young friend of the Najib family, may have used Malaysian government guarantees to back the making of The Wolf of Wall Street, a hit movie starring Leonardo di Caprio, and to fund his attempt to take over three of London’s most prestigious hotels.Najib is the chairman of the 1MBD advisory board and the motivating force, apparently on the advice of Jho Low, as he is known, a putative whiz kid who is alleged to have steered the fund first into a disastrous alliance on oil exploration on the advice of a Saudi prince he went to school with in London.
When the exploration failed, opposition figures alleged, the money was invested in forex trades in yen. The trades were not successful and, opposition lawmakers alleged, the money disappeared. That was the first of a long string of financial disasters that put 1MDB deep in the red without adequate capital to meet obligations
Ending a decade of rule that critics said had become increasingly authoritarian and marred by nepotism and corruption.
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