Government wonders in mysterious ways its works to perform. And one of its biggest wonders is that no one – least of all itself – seems to know just how many people are on its payroll. it has not been established whether these well-heeled handlers actually exist, or do so only on paper and are part of that large spectral army of ‘ghost’ employees in the pay of various government departments. The government’s right hand doesn’t seem to know how many people its left hand is paying. the political philosophy that that government is best which governs the least might find their position vindicated by such an example of benign neglect and blissful ignorance on the part of a Government which doesn’t keep tabs of governance on its own workforce.Indeed, it could be said that our Big Boss government has many more people indirectly working for it than the people concerned themselves realise. In that all of us pay taxes in one form or other – be it income tax or sales tax or value added tax or service tax or any of a long list of excise duties and other imposts, all of which accrue to the government – we are all in servitude to the sarkar, the only proviso being that, in a reversal of the general rule of employment, in this case the workers pay the master instead of the other way round
Enough of this nonsense! Enough already! Malaya and then Malaysia was created as a secular nation. Denial of this basic fact has become commonplace in recent time Malaysia, therefore, is a country with “audible secularism”. You can be a Muslim in Washington and London, and go to a mosque of your choice, but you will not be able to hear the call to prayer. In Malaysia a, dawn is welcomed with the wafting lilt of the azaan, followed by the music of temple bells, the harmony of the Granth Sahib being recited in a gurdwara, and the peal from the church. if born a Muslim, be a good Muslim: for if you were true to your faith you would be a good Malaysian. From individual moral strength would emerge a powerful Malaysia;If you a good Hindu the challenge before Hinduism, a Vedantic way of life, was to rescue its inherent rationality from layers of superstition and “mumbo-jumbo”. Those who believed in regressive practices like child marriage or untouchability were doling out ditch-water instead of amrit.Muslims should respect the pluralism of prophets and accommodation. This was the Islam of the influential 13th century scholar Ibn al-Arabi, who urged Muslims to practise their faith, but not condemn the rest.
Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor who publicly advocated and endorsed the actions of the “mujahideen” of al-Qaeda, saying that their actions are verily justified and it was actually the Western media that has corrupted their image by creating a fallacious portrayal of the group.
The reality of policy did not waver, but at some point along the line elections it began to get vulnerable to the rhetoric of electoral clamour. Language is a powerful tool in the management of perceptions, and voices began to be heard which, in search of the base, began to descend, linguistically, to the base. The misuse of religious sentiment, whether overt or covert, always hurts those who do so, fo the Malay voters are very clear about what they want from a government: a recipe for this life, not the next one. They want a great budget, not a great sermon.
It is entirely within the logic of turbulent democracies that a dream run should be interrupted by a wake-up call. It might be pertinent to note, in this context, that dreams are best shaped into reality with the help of daylight. Among the dangers of darkness is that it obscures the bumps on that twisting road to economic regeneration. Those who know Najib and Awang Hadi are aware that, as master of the long game, they are not going to be deflected by the short pass; it is too late for them to absorb the stumble and restore the stride towards that clean horizon.The Malay voters, much unlike the opinion pundit, a very cool customer. Every election result is a message, which should neither be underestimated nor overestimated.Extrapolation of any regional result on to a wider canvas is alluring but deceptive. As was famously said of American democracy, all politics Malay are local. This does need a minor amendment: most politics are not local. Taking the right decision needs, in our system, nerves of steel along with forensic skills. There is plenty of both.
Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor announced that the governmental intel is already that easily access to terror groups the official stand on Isis wishy-washy like flagrant and unabashed euphemism of the word Isis by attributing gallantry to its members to bolster unintelligent and self-demeaning cheers from his daft supporters at the UMNO annual general assembly, the general public is antagonistic or unsympathetic towards the radical group.
Disappointment has begun to eclipse optimism about the country’s medium term prospects. For a short while Malaysia’s image shone across the world. Citizens of this democratic nation on earth, clamouring for profound change,however, not much has changed. Malaysia remain where it was.are Being buffeted by winds of slowing demand amidst gathering uncertainty.On secular tolerance, on freedom of speech, on institutional functioning and on other liberal democratic markers, Malaysia’s image has been damaged. What many feared would be a capitulation of the Hadi to tendencies and demands of the far right in fact happened in several instances that featured prominently in the the international media to sour global public opinion. On top of that came a slew of news stories of the marking the entrance of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (Isis) into PAS and UMNO connection with Najib and Awang Hadi It was in their aggressive worldwide pursuit of external relations that surprised observers and critics
READMORE In Pas and UMNO Corrupt political leadership does not attractive men of outstanding integrity;
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