Corruption,and exploitation and manipulation more measured tones of history the record will prove that our much abused system also delivered. It took time and there were some gastric hiccups, we underestimate the power of those vested interests Malaysians has been thirsting for someone to assault this pervasive monster with sustainable commitment. We Malaysians are not willing to accept passing discomfort as the collateral price of the struggle against cancer. This is why such a massive corrupt activities, power abuse or violate regulations and procedures. With the Prime Minister issuing a series ofguidelines,Knowing the spread of the malady of unauthorized occupation in all branches of governance -- legislature, executive and judiciary The scope of the Attorney-General’s powers in these institutions, there is still the question of integrity of the key office- of police and director general of ACA. It is often said that one may have the best laws in the world, but if we have crooks to implement them, the good laws may come to nothing attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali the predator, not protector do not seem to comply with internationally accepted standards for managing conflict of interest in cases
Malaysian criminal justice system run by criminals

Najib's government that has already amassed more power than any previous government. Today, the executive has untrammelled powers over almost every aspect of national life, especially given the erosion of traditional checks and balances. Our citizens have never been more at the mercy of the executive, never been more vulnerable, more exposed, more intimidated.Nevertheless,Najib continues to insist that he needs more power, less checks and balances, less accountability. Why? What clear and present dangers lurk in the shadows that require such powers to deal with? What threats are out there that would justify such draconian laws?Surely the Police already have enough power to tackle that head on. What is lacking is the political will to root out abuse of power and Corruption the wisdom to craft winning strategies instead of the empty rhetoric that we keep hearing.
With the Prime Minister issuing a series of guidelines,Knowing the spread of the malady of unauthorized occupation in all branches of governance -- legislature, executive and judiciary The scope of the Attorney-General’s powers in these institutions, there is still the question of integrity of the key office- of police and director general of ACA. It is often said that one may have the best laws in the world, but if we have crooks to implement them, the good laws may come to nothing attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali the predator, not protector do not seem to comply with internationally accepted standards for managing conflict of interest in cases
We just don’t seem to get it. The normal standards of accountability don’t apply to a,g We are unable to grasp their argument that, much as it is desirable in other institutions, transparency in the judiciary will compromise its independence, a larger constitutional value. Hence, we persist with the folly of expecting A.G chamber to be swept away by the wave of transparency triggered Justice is blind because it needs to be;a form of bastardised justice.
Corruption is a way of life in Malaysia and AG chambers part of it are den of corruption. But they are kept above board for unknown reasons. They should be accountable for what they do. Right now rules at various levels protect them undeservedly.
Corrupt political leadership does not attractive men of outstanding integrity; neither can it be expected to enact effective laws to maintain high integrity in government. That truism has practically reduced our options to only one – a change of political leadership. That is, if we are still serious about restoring the rule of law and the pursuit of excellence for the country.The general logic doesn’t apply to AG. When others take refuge in opacity, we are justified in suspecting that they are hiding corruption. But when AG chanbers wrap themselves in a veil of secrecy, we have to take it that they are actually doing so for our good, so that they are not distracted by allegations of corruption against themselves.One way of coming to terms with this distinction is to re-adopt the outdated notion that king could do no wrong. Going by his logic, does seem to suggest some such blanket immunity to attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali
according to Apandi,Corrupt political leadership does not attractive men of outstanding integrity; neither can it be expected to enact effective laws to maintain high integrity in government. That truism has practically reduced our options there are those who questioned the chambers' commitment and endeavour to uphold fair and efficient administration of justice in Malaysia."But as a wise man said, 'One cannot control others, but he can control the reaction to them'. This is exactly how the chambers endured the challenges.As severely hit as we were, the AG's Chambers remains unshaken," Apandi said.
The scope of the Attorney-General’s powers and the malady of unauthorized decisions
Every good drama needs a few sub-plots whirling through the mainframe. The most captivating within our current political theatre is surely the joust that is odd that the government should have chosen law and order as its final alibi after some exhausting self-laceration in its search for a credible explanation for the escape of a criminal Najib
The only initiative worth taking is one that will yield positive results. If one embarks on a destructive course of action, it will be oneself that suffers. Therefore, one should steer clear of such actions, as any sensible person steers clear of destroying his own life.No charges will be brought against Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak based on the investigations carried out by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission
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