Finance Minister II Datuk Johari his thoughts
In times of dishonesty

Our Malaysian response to a scandalous mess is neat and categorised. Cash and sex are the north and south pole of mass interest, each with a sprawling magnetic field. We divide the hemispheres with the equator of logic. Cash and corruption are the preserve of politics. Sex is the province of glamour. We refuse to recognise any cross-over evidence.Corruption is the mechanism through which a section of our elite has poisoned the credibility of our nation’s political and economic edifice.Governments have been either complicit or helpless as high end individuals, buoyed by the arrogance of unaccounted wealth, began to believe that they were above the law or beyond the reach of coercive instruments. That comfort zone has been wrecked.those who turned corruption into a doctrine will pay a heavy price.Corruption is the mechanism through which a section of our elite has poisoned the credibility of our nation’s political and economic edifice.Governments have been either complicit or helpless as high end individuals, buoyed by the arrogance of unaccounted wealth, began to believe that they were above the law or beyond the reach of coercive instruments. That comfort zone has been wrecked.those who turned corruption into a doctrine will pay a heavy price.

Corruption,and exploitation and manipulation more measured tones of history the record will prove that our much abused system would appear to more selective targeting of opponents of the ruling party than upholding probity in public life. Steel nerves are overrated in a democracy. Silver nerves work better, for they are flexible. He has been in office only since January and you can detect signs of uncertainty in his grasp of power. In public life, an administration transfers a leader’s confusion instantly to the people. Experts in rousing rabble can checkmate any government unsure of the needed levels of response. There is no algebra that can be consulted, no theory that can be practiced. Experience, with its attendant baggage of precedent, helps, but only up to a point.There is an urgent need for Malaysia to set up Bribery, Corruption and Sex offenders - Registry according to Deputy Home Minister Nur Jazlan Mohamed.
It is fashionable among the younger lot to display the self-importance implicit in the adage made famous by US president Harry Truman: "The buck stops here." Let me suggest a wiser option. If you flip too often, you end up as a flop.The public school of politics has only one subject in its tutorials: Events. The big boys of Umno have been playing truant, lulled by an imposter’s mantra. More victories in years convinced them that delay is a solution.
Do not underestimate the siren call of procrastination. Fudge always remains an option when you have to straddle irreconcilables like religion and unity demands. There could still be an effort to delay the process necessary for the creation of It is easy to remember good government , even if we tend to take it for granted when we get it. It works. Rotten governance is more complicated, for its consequences are more evident than its causes.The original sin of bad government is arrogance , with complacency as a silent partner. The ministers of Umno began to believe that because they had got away with a lot, they could get away with anything.Deputy Home Minister Nur Jazlan Mohamed. cannot offer since he considers every other party corrupt. His only rationale for entering Parliament will be that of a security guard service. Good, but possibly not good enough.
Experts in rousing rabble can checkmate any government unsure of the needed levels of response. There is no algebra that can be consulted, no theory that can be practiced. Experience, with its attendant baggage of precedent, helps, but only up to a point. It is fashionable among the younger lot to display the self-importance implicit in the adage made famous by US president Harry Truman: "The buck stops here." Let me suggest a wiser option. If you flip too often, you end up as a flop.The public school of politics has only one subject in its tutorials:It is common knowledge that the best way to argue your case in Malaysia is through a suitcase. The capital’s punters can neither control their laughter nor restrain their envy at the news that you Nur Jazlan:
That inimitable 20th century intellectual and sleuth Hercule Poirot listed an unforgivable sin in his moral code: overlooking the obvious. are trapped in a systemic flaw: hyper-honesty is inconsistent with ”bourgeois democracy”. The cost of a election now runs into multiple millions. Political parties are not profit-earning corporations. Their overhand collections are a miniscule proportion of need; the balance is met by underhand arrangements tries a finesse through institutional collection, but even this needs middlemen. Money is a trading currency; there has to be a trade. Ministers get involved. Is it any surprise if this nexus extends to a periodic back-rub?
Corruption is the preferred means of the get-rich-quick lobby (if the poor were corrupt, they would not remain poor). But is greed the only motivation? Greed is not India-specific. The extent of our venality may have a supplementary reason. We are, by temperament, a short-cut people. We do not like waiting for due process, whether in a project or towards a destination. Indian corruption could well find an explanation in Indian traffic. We instinctively seek a faster way, whether on a cow-clogged country lane or an incomplete super highway. The Indian driver does not believe in the sober limitations of take; he is a devotee of overtake. Cars do not create traffic jams; drivers with hyper libidos do.

The long cut is demeaning to the Malaysia ego. A Umnowallah measures his importance by the number of short cuts he has wangled. A favour is a measure of both the benefactor’s value and the beneficiary’s influence. Some people wait till the last minute only to prove that time will wait for them.The system creates hurdles since it knows that short-cutters will pay to cross them. Bribes feed the system; the system therefore knits a framework for bribes. A hundred rupees to a traffic cop climbs towards millions at the top. If you are really lucky, the ayurvedic massage comes free.

He was asked to comment on a Malaysian man who would probably be returning to the country after serving his 24-year sentence in Canada.
The man, as reported in Canadian newpapers, was imprisoned in 1992 for sexual predation, drugs and other offences, and would complete his term at the end of this month.
Nur Jazlan, who is also Pulai member of parliament, said Malaysia had not been notified about the case by the Canadian authorities.
"We have not been officially informed," he said.
Nur Jazlan: Urgent need for M'sia to have Bribery and Corruption and Sex offenders - Registry, has issued background information about the risks of bribery and corruption and provides information and guidance on anti-bribery and corruption legislation and obligations for businesses and third sector organisations.There is an urgent need for Malaysia to set up Bribery, Corruption and Sex offenders - Registry according to Deputy Home Minister Nur Jazlan Mohamed. by temperament, are not interested in what politicians do in the private. The real scandal, surely, is what politicians do in the open. Corruption is no longer a shady business. It is all eyes-wideopen, media-couldn’t-care-less deals. It works both ways: being a saint does not win you an election. Nor can anyone get very far by casting stones at bedroom windows.There are few juicy scandals in our public life, not because politicians are abstemious but because the public does not necessarily equate sex with scandal. Curiously politicians, the big beneficiaries, still think a prurient accusation is worth the effort. When you are a good-looking chap like Najib , such hazards probably come with the territory.
Our Malaysian response to a scandalous mess is neat and categorised. Cash and sex are the north and south pole of mass interest, each with a sprawling magnetic field. We divide the hemispheres with the equator of logic. Cash and corruption are the preserve of politics. Sex is the province of glamour. We refuse to recognise any cross-over evidence.Corruption is the mechanism through which a section of our elite has poisoned the credibility of our nation’s political and economic edifice.Governments have been either complicit or helpless as high end individuals, buoyed by the arrogance of unaccounted wealth, began to believe that they were above the law or beyond the reach of coercive instruments. That comfort zone has been wrecked.those who turned corruption into a doctrine will pay a heavy price.Corruption is the mechanism through which a section of our elite has poisoned the credibility of our nation’s political and economic edifice.Governments have been either complicit or helpless as high end individuals, buoyed by the arrogance of unaccounted wealth, began to believe that they were above the law or beyond the reach of coercive instruments. That comfort zone has been wrecked.those who turned corruption into a doctrine will pay a heavy price.
Corruption,and exploitation and manipulation more measured tones of history the record will prove that our much abused system would appear to more selective targeting of opponents of the ruling party than upholding probity in public life. Steel nerves are overrated in a democracy. Silver nerves work better, for they are flexible. He has been in office only since January and you can detect signs of uncertainty in his grasp of power. In public life, an administration transfers a leader’s confusion instantly to the people. Experts in rousing rabble can checkmate any government unsure of the needed levels of response. There is no algebra that can be consulted, no theory that can be practiced. Experience, with its attendant baggage of precedent, helps, but only up to a point.There is an urgent need for Malaysia to set up Bribery, Corruption and Sex offenders - Registry according to Deputy Home Minister Nur Jazlan Mohamed.
It is fashionable among the younger lot to display the self-importance implicit in the adage made famous by US president Harry Truman: "The buck stops here." Let me suggest a wiser option. If you flip too often, you end up as a flop.The public school of politics has only one subject in its tutorials: Events. The big boys of Umno have been playing truant, lulled by an imposter’s mantra. More victories in years convinced them that delay is a solution.
Do not underestimate the siren call of procrastination. Fudge always remains an option when you have to straddle irreconcilables like religion and unity demands. There could still be an effort to delay the process necessary for the creation of It is easy to remember good government , even if we tend to take it for granted when we get it. It works. Rotten governance is more complicated, for its consequences are more evident than its causes.The original sin of bad government is arrogance , with complacency as a silent partner. The ministers of Umno began to believe that because they had got away with a lot, they could get away with anything.Deputy Home Minister Nur Jazlan Mohamed. cannot offer since he considers every other party corrupt. His only rationale for entering Parliament will be that of a security guard service. Good, but possibly not good enough.
Experts in rousing rabble can checkmate any government unsure of the needed levels of response. There is no algebra that can be consulted, no theory that can be practiced. Experience, with its attendant baggage of precedent, helps, but only up to a point. It is fashionable among the younger lot to display the self-importance implicit in the adage made famous by US president Harry Truman: "The buck stops here." Let me suggest a wiser option. If you flip too often, you end up as a flop.The public school of politics has only one subject in its tutorials:It is common knowledge that the best way to argue your case in Malaysia is through a suitcase. The capital’s punters can neither control their laughter nor restrain their envy at the news that you Nur Jazlan:
That inimitable 20th century intellectual and sleuth Hercule Poirot listed an unforgivable sin in his moral code: overlooking the obvious. are trapped in a systemic flaw: hyper-honesty is inconsistent with ”bourgeois democracy”. The cost of a election now runs into multiple millions. Political parties are not profit-earning corporations. Their overhand collections are a miniscule proportion of need; the balance is met by underhand arrangements tries a finesse through institutional collection, but even this needs middlemen. Money is a trading currency; there has to be a trade. Ministers get involved. Is it any surprise if this nexus extends to a periodic back-rub?
Corruption is the preferred means of the get-rich-quick lobby (if the poor were corrupt, they would not remain poor). But is greed the only motivation? Greed is not India-specific. The extent of our venality may have a supplementary reason. We are, by temperament, a short-cut people. We do not like waiting for due process, whether in a project or towards a destination. Indian corruption could well find an explanation in Indian traffic. We instinctively seek a faster way, whether on a cow-clogged country lane or an incomplete super highway. The Indian driver does not believe in the sober limitations of take; he is a devotee of overtake. Cars do not create traffic jams; drivers with hyper libidos do.
The long cut is demeaning to the Malaysia ego. A Umnowallah measures his importance by the number of short cuts he has wangled. A favour is a measure of both the benefactor’s value and the beneficiary’s influence. Some people wait till the last minute only to prove that time will wait for them.The system creates hurdles since it knows that short-cutters will pay to cross them. Bribes feed the system; the system therefore knits a framework for bribes. A hundred rupees to a traffic cop climbs towards millions at the top. If you are really lucky, the ayurvedic massage comes free.

He was asked to comment on a Malaysian man who would probably be returning to the country after serving his 24-year sentence in Canada.
The man, as reported in Canadian newpapers, was imprisoned in 1992 for sexual predation, drugs and other offences, and would complete his term at the end of this month.
Nur Jazlan, who is also Pulai member of parliament, said Malaysia had not been notified about the case by the Canadian authorities.
"We have not been officially informed," he said.
Nur Jazlan: Urgent need for M'sia to have Bribery and Corruption and Sex offenders - Registry, has issued background information about the risks of bribery and corruption and provides information and guidance on anti-bribery and corruption legislation and obligations for businesses and third sector organisations.There is an urgent need for Malaysia to set up Bribery, Corruption and Sex offenders - Registry according to Deputy Home Minister Nur Jazlan Mohamed. by temperament, are not interested in what politicians do in the private. The real scandal, surely, is what politicians do in the open. Corruption is no longer a shady business. It is all eyes-wideopen, media-couldn’t-care-less deals. It works both ways: being a saint does not win you an election. Nor can anyone get very far by casting stones at bedroom windows.There are few juicy scandals in our public life, not because politicians are abstemious but because the public does not necessarily equate sex with scandal. Curiously politicians, the big beneficiaries, still think a prurient accusation is worth the effort. When you are a good-looking chap like Najib , such hazards probably come with the territory.
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